Essex Coast Organisation
Emergency Contact Numbers for Flooding
The Environment Agency
EMERGENCY Incident Line: 0800 80 70 60
FLOODLINE: 0345 988 1188
This is a national flood help and advice line, where you can also sign up for flood warnings.
EA Head Office 01473 70 63 32
EA Chelmsford Office 01473 70 61 00
Essex & Sufflok Water
Water and sewerage emergencies - 0845 782 0999
To report a leak - 0800 526 337
Anglian Water
Water supply and sewerage service emergencies - 03457 145 14524
Reporting a leak - 0800 771 881
Essex County Council
Essex Highways Flooding Issues - 0845 603 7631 or 0345 603 7631
Maldon District Council
Major emergency number - 01621 854477
For widespread flooding, severe weather conditions, major incidents.
Highways Agency
For flooding on major roads and motorways - 0300 123 5000
NFU CALL-FIRST HELPLINE - 0370 845 845 8
Head Office 024 7685 8500
Anglian Office 01638 672100
Adam Scott 01638 672100 Essex County Advisor
Paul Hammett 01638 672106 National Specialist on Water Resources
Rob Wise 01638 672109 Environment Advisor
NFU Mutual Insurance Company
Essex North Agency 01245 898424
Essex South Agency 01245 464984
National Flood Forum
More of an office hours advice line - 01299 403055
Essex Coast Organisation
Andrew St. Joseph, Chairman and general co-ordinator of ECO - 07703 549072
Gavin Rowsell, Fluvial & Pluvial flooding - 07802 651065