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Useful Links

Tide heights below do not include surge data
Click on widget below for more LIVE data

This site is just back on line... so click the logo or title to see the surge forecast.

Click text above for live tide height (with any surge data) at HARWICH. Or click the logo for historical, maximum & current tide levels around the UK.

UK Tide Gauges

Browse data from the UK National Tide Gauge Network, owned and operated by the Environment Agency, on behalf of the UK Coastal Flood Forecasting Service.

Click Windyty logo to see live wind and pressure charts. Also includes forecasts of other weather data.

A live map showing power cut locations known by UK Power Networks; click on map or title to see the live map.

Click the Title above or the Image for a live feed of current wind data across the globe. Stunning graphics, but the WindyTY link above has far more actual data.

to check DEFRA's Magic Map for land designations in your area.

Currently these LIDAR maps are download only, so you'll need a good broadband connection and plenty of spare memory... but well worth it if you do download the info.

Access the public register for environmental information, which allows registration of exemptions.

Click picture or text above to see the Met. Office rain radar for the UK.

Use this map to zoom into your area to check which ditches, canals and waterways are classified as 'main river' and therefore under the remit of The Environment Agency.

Once you've clicked above and are on the 'Check My Flood Risk' site... just enter your postcode for a flood risk map. You can then zoom in or pan around.

Anglian Water

In an emergency, contact Anglian Water directly on 03457 145 145, or to browse their website, click the logo.

Click the logo for the NFU homepage. Or click the title text above to go directly to the 'Flooding' section of the website.

Click logo for the Coastal Forum homepage. Or the title text above to go directly to the Coastal Economy section.

to find out the '3 word' way of pin-pointing any spot on earth!

Click on the logo to visit Natural England's huge list of reports, studies and publications.

Need to hire working platforms for maintenance or repair works, then click this for modular floating pontoon hire.

A webpage dedicated to case studies collected by members of the CEDA Working Group on the Beneficial Use of Sediments (WGBU)

This link takes you to

Marinet supports scientific truth, and advocates management built on the logic of scientific evidence.

to see the Geocaching network in your area.

Click the logo for Essex Coast Organisations Twitter page... and then follow us for regular topical re-tweet updates from a variety of sources.

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Click the picture or text above for the Harwich Haven water level gauge giving 10 minute updates of predicted tide levels, as well as any surge data. Whilst similar to the Live Tide Height link, this link gives more details.

Click picture or text above to see predicted tidal charts for the next 7 days, with high / low water times at a choice of locations. These times/heights DO NOT include any current surge data, which may increase (or lower) actual water levels.

Click picture or text above for forecast charts that show low pressure weather systems that can create tidal surges.

Click logo for Environment Agency flood warnings and alerts on their Facebook page.

Click above to see live data on the water-levels at the Colne flood barrier, Colchester.

Click picture for current UK Flood Warnings map. Or click the title text above to see EA flood warnings for the Anglian region.

This interactive map holds the Environment Agency’s Annual Flood and Coastal risk management (FCRM) asset maintenance programme, so you can zoom in and check what is in this years maintenance programme.

Click above for an interactive map of the Risk of Flooding from Multiple Sources from the data.Gov.UK site.

This link will show a map of all the Environment Agency's historical flood data, allowing you to zoom in on any UK area to see where the EA have registered flooding in the past.

Click the logo to get flood risk assessment maps for planning applications directly from the Gov.UK website.

Click the map or title above for an interactive map of Public Rights of Way in Essex. Zoom in to get great detail on where public footpaths actually run.

Click the map for an up-to-date interactive map of any planned (or on-going) road closures.

Click on the logo to visit Essex County Council's 'flood and water management assest register', which allows you to check ECC registered assets in your area.

Click above to go to the UK Governments public documents regarding the challenges facing UK flood defence.

to see the MDC flood risk advice section of their website.

We are trying to find where ECC have moved this data too!

Click the logo for the LLFA homepage. Or click the title text above for Surface Water Management Plans in your area.

We are still trying to track this map down, as the EA have removed or moved a lot of their data...


An interesting document of historical Essex

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Neither ECO nor it’s officers or volunteers accepts any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from any action taken in reliance on the information contained within this website and gives no warranty or representation as to its accuracy or reliability. A full copy of our liability document is available within the Documents page.

Site went live November 2015. Updated June 2017

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