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EssexCoastOrg on Twitter

Essex Coast Organisation (ECO) is now on Twitter. Our website already had a blog, and recently created a Facebook page, but now we are on Twitter and linking in with many other coastal / flooding / water / drainage / rural / farming / tourism / agencies and organisations.

It is hoped that we will be able to provide a regular stream of relevant tweets and re-tweets on minor and major news items, some of which may not be relevant to placing on the website.

So please find us via the 'follow us on Twitter' icon below.


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Neither ECO nor it’s officers or volunteers accepts any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from any action taken in reliance on the information contained within this website and gives no warranty or representation as to its accuracy or reliability. A full copy of our liability document is available within the Documents page.

Site went live November 2015. Updated June 2017

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