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Please use Members area more

We actually have a massive amount more data, documents and links within our members area of this website that gets into the real 'nitty gritty' of what's going on in the flood management world.

The members area is password protected as it does contain more sensitive information than what is on the public area of the website... but this is what makes it a very interesting read.

If you are an ECO member and have forgotten the password, or you wish to join ECO then please contact Gavin via the 'contact us' tabs top right.

If you just wish to find out more information or get more involved, then again, please 'contact us' and we can discuss access.

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Neither ECO nor it’s officers or volunteers accepts any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from any action taken in reliance on the information contained within this website and gives no warranty or representation as to its accuracy or reliability. A full copy of our liability document is available within the Documents page.

Site went live November 2015. Updated June 2017

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